1/23/06 - Native Village to Mae Hong Son
After an early rising to a cold fog we doubly appreciated Mr Don’s hot coffee and breakfast. Before we finished packing up our kits we discovered the Karen women outside with a Superstore revival, and hastily stocked up on more warm scarves. Our gear was packed onto a motorbike to be delivered to the cave park and our van. We enjoyed a tour of the village school and saw its charming children before we began our two hour hike back to the vans.
Our next stop was the Pai River where we boarded long boats to ride to a Long Neck Village. Framing a narrow dirt road up a short hill were the village market stalls each of which displayed an array of quite sophisticated handicrafts along with at least one representative long necked woman minding the sales. And sales there were to our recharged group! At the top of the street we had a chance to explore the tiny school whose students had already gone home for the day. The view of the village from the school revealed more substantial housing in this spot more accessible to tourists than our mountain Karen village.
Back at the vans we were eventually delivered to Fern Resort to sleep after a Thai barbecue prepared by our hosts. Besides a clever trailside tocking water feature we will remember our 14 hour stay at this Resort for its many stray dogs.