Thailand Pics Thailand 2005-2006 Home Base and Eldertreks Tour

  • 1/16/06 - Rainforest Resort to Sukhothai

    We doubled back and drove up into the mountains to Phu Hin Konkla National Park where a ranger identified the unusual rock formations we scrambled over on our hike. We were shown the remains of hideouts left by the communist insurgents during the 70’s when this area was a battleground. As high as we were on these mountains, we had no clear vistas because of the lingering smoke from winter farm field burn-offs, an ancient practice which only recently has alarmed smog conscious folk.

    By the time we reached the Pailyn Hotel in Sukothai we were relieved to be staying two nights. Large and filled with tour groups, the hotel is comfortable and has a big empty swimming pool! Pontus and Bee set up wine and snacks by the pool before our buffet dinner at the hotelwas filling and we were early to bed.

    No slideshow today. Broken camera