January 4 - Scarborough, Trinidad and Tobago
Scarborough Girls
Weather high 86, low 75 with no precipitation. Map of Scarborough.
We had a short stop in Scarborough. Arriving at noon, we had a departure at 5:30. We decided to take the included excursion, Panoramic Scarborough, which left at 1:00 from outside the terminal. Our bus was small with good climate control. We had a good seat near the rear. Our guide was a middle-age woman who spoke in a delightful island accent.
Our route was the reverse of the one in the description. Our first stop was at Ft King George near the top of a steep hill. We visited the prison, walked past the Powder Magazine and went into the Tobago Museum. The panoramic views from the fort were spectacular.
Back on the bus, we drove through diverse neighborhoods with colorful houses and interesting shops. Our next stop was at Store Bay where we walked to an overlook to a well-used beach and strolled back past a local crafts market. We temporarily lost one of our passengers who eventually arrived with a bag full of crab and dumplings. He did not share with the rest of us.
Our next stop was at the Mount Irvine Bay Resort where we admired stunning views over the bay. Then it was on to a bizarre tourist attraction of the Mystery Tombstone of Betty Stivens. Our final stop was at Fort James where we had a wonderful panoramic view of Great Courland Bay.
Back on the ship, we cleaned up and met our crew for dinner.