September 5 - Twisp-Carlton Semi Loop
After my routine of waking up, making in-room coffe and eating breakfast, I left Winthrop sometime after 9:00 and rode down East County Road, past the North Cascades Smokejumper Base and then on to Twisp . The weather was warming up already. I passed a few of our group along the way. I saw several dead deer on the side of the road. This area has a huge deer population and there are many automobile/deer collisions.
At Twisp, I turned onto the Twisp Carlton Road and pedaled onward until I reached the end at the very small town of Carlton. It was a pleasant ride on rolling hills alongside the Methow River . I met most of our group at the end of the road. We took a group photo. My camera was back at Lake Wenatchee so the only photos I have to show were taken with my iPhone.
This was the turnaround spot. I teamed up with Terry Karro and Loren and Chris Dudley from Spokane. We headed up the main road (State Hwy 153), took a turn at Lower Beaver Creek, climbed a little, had a screaming downhill on State Hwy 20 and finally arrived back at Twisp for lunch. I recommend Cinnamon Twisp for a meal. It has wonderful milkshakes, sandwiches and cinnamon rolls.
After lunch I rode solo back on East County Rd to our lodge.
The landscape was open during the entire ride. By the time I was riding back it became very warm
Our Social Hour was at a BAC members Kathe and Greg Fowler's house in the hills above Winthrop. It was a real challenge to find it. Terry gave us instructions on how to get there at the previous Social Hour but some of us were not listening carefully. I made the first major turn correctly, but then I missed the sign marking the private drive. We drove for a couple of miles on a dirt road until we knew we were lost. Then we doubled back until we found the sign. It had blown down when we first passed it. We eventually got there and had a very good time socializing and looking at the killer view. There were at least four local BAC members here that were not on the ride. It was nice to meet them.
I had dinner at the Old Schoolhouse Brewery again. This time I was joined by Jon Zuehlke and Cindy Bryan from Chico and Michael Blake from Scotch Plains, NJ. My yummy IPA was accompanied by a wrangler burger and salad.
Here is today’s ride: