August 30 - Goritsy to Kizhy
Please visit August 30 slideshow.
Today's activity was mostly on the boat. After our breakfast (French toast) and our eight laps = one mile on Deck 3, we went to a talk on modern Russia. This was a continuation of yesterdays' talk on old Russia. Tatiana, a young Russian tour manager with big, beautiful eyes, gave the talk. She described the demographics of Russia today and included its geography and political structure. She also talked about the power rulers from Lenin and Stalin up to Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin. Her Russian perspective was quite a bit different from our Western ideas of how effective each person was.
Our next activity was a visit to the captain's bridge. We learned about the boat's history and how it is operated. Because we had entered Lake Onega and there were no navigational hazards, the ship was being run on automatic pilot. The navigational technology is up-to-date with radar and GPS systems. The captain was very gracious and answered many questions about the boat and the onboard life of the crew. The crew lives on the boat during the tourist season and takes a long vacation in the winter when the waterways are frozen over.
After lunch, Ann went to a Q&A session about Russia today.
We had a Russian tea party in the afternoon. The tea is brewed in samovars. Then it is poured into cups and diluted with hot water. It is accompanied by filled baked treats. Tea time in Russia is an excuse to have friends and neighbors over for a party. Russian seem to have a lot of excuses for parties.
We arrived at Kizhi at 5:00 PM where we disembarked and gathered for a walking tour of this spectacular outdoor museum. The tour was spectacular. This is easily one of the most interesting places I have ever been to. The churches and houses are all crafted from wood. The 22-domed Transfiguration Church was built in 1722 by one man, as legend has it. These structures have all been preserved and are being restored in a complex designated as a World Heritage site.
Back on board, we got under sail again across the lake. The weather became windy and the sea was rough. Dishes were rattling at dinner and people were walking around like drunken sailors.
The map of our route from Goritsy to Kizhi is below. To see it in Google Earth, follow this link.