January 13 - Ushuaia to Buenos Aires
Cilene Del Fargo Hotel had no breakfast room so our meal was delivered to our room. It was due at 7:00. Just before that we heard a knock on our door. It was Albert in his terry cloth robe, black socks and slippers letting everyone on our floor know that our breakfast was sitting on tables outside our room. What a nice person! It started the day perfectly.
Soon we were on our LAN flight to Buenos Aires via El Calafate. We went from cold, rainy weather to sunny, hot weather. We were bused from the airport to theAmerian Hotel. After getting settled into our 11th floor room, Ann and I walked over to the Galerías Pacífico and had a sandwich and ice cream at the food court.
Back at the hotel, we cleaned up and then went to a tango lesson. OAT had arranged for a tango pair to come to the large breakfast room and teach us the basic steps. Most of us were pretty awkward. Jim and Ann Hoffman looked pretty good. Ann and I tried, but we don’t seem to have proper recall to remember the moves.
Our farewell dinner (some of us are extending the trip to go to Iguasu) was at Villegas . We had good beef which has been a common theme on our trip. We sat with W.H. and Peggy Smith from Georgia and had a really nice chat. Of course the evening gave us the opportunity to offer toasts. The most memorial one came from George Swartz in the form of a poem. With George's permission, here it is:
By George Swartz
Think it was early November, 2010,
The Poet was told we're to do it again.
With a slight gulp of anxiety queried he
To Patagonia, just 20 others, plus you and me.
Patagonia, Patagonia, he knew where it laid,
Off the coast of Africa, probably not man-made.
And he'll have the time to prepare his mind,
Maybe within the 20 others, diamonds he'll find.
The Prospector, nee Poet, packed his gear,
To "assay" the others from far and near.
And so on that Jan.1, a fateful day,
The Miami Airport--the search underway.
Phyllis and Dye, of WOW!, the Richard and super Ellen.
Why-- the Poet's brain became more like a swollen melon.
Should the others to come are this sound,
OH!! What a field the Prospector has found!!
More and more as the others unfold,
Diamond after diamond of riches untold.
Judy and Carl, Ann and Jim,
Miriam, Anita--all vigorous with vim.
Peggy and WH ("Bill"), a wonderful pair,
Patricia and Leo, way more than merely fair.
Add Miguel and Albert to the brew.
The great holiday?? A delectable stew!!
Ann and Bob, Prospector's cup runneth over,
Diamonds appear like a sea of clover.
Barbara and Betty round out the field,
And only add to its incredible yield.
So, from different geographies we came and met.
We formed our clan, Patagonias Familias, yet.
Not to forget we have an adopted home,
Tho' it long ago lost its glacial dome.
The rare chance combination: You and this glorious Land,
Has made our holiday special and so very grand.
And much to remember 'bout who ran the show,
The indomitable, unbelievable--Senor Marco!!
One Last thought for the Poe to note.
It is included in everything he has wrote.
His is a more blessed life because of you know who,
Of course---the "Boss"--forever love---dear Lou
Ann and I went back to the hotel after dinner while most of the group went to a tango show. We were in bed by 11:00.