May 1 - Cabra to Antequera
We continued on our auto journey leaving Cabra after 9:00. Our focus today was on the flamingos of La Laguna de Fuente de Piedra. We followed the long cycling route option. All of the cyclists chose the short option so we were on our own. We continued to pass thousands of olive groves on sparsely driven country roads. We stopped twice, to photograph an old Moorish water wheel and to look at some Roman ruins.
We reached the lake and the flamingos late in the morning. There is a visitors' center and several nature trails. There are several hundred flamingos wading in the salty lake. We walked in the hot midday heat trying to get close enough for photos. These flamingos are white with red wings and red legs. There were several other water birds which I, of course, couldn't identify.
After leaving the flamingos, we drove on to Antequera. The Coso Viejo Hotel is in the center of town. Because it is crowded on the streets, I decided to pay for hotel parking. This is an old hotel with a small courtyard and a maze of hallways to get to the rooms. I have to take an elevator to the first floor, walk around several corners, take another elevator to the third floor and then walk down the corridor to my room. It is a small room that faces the street and a noisy outside restaurant. I might have trouble sleeping tonight.
Jane, Cindy and I took the receptionist's advice and walked over to a restaurant for lunch. It was full of locals. The food was passable and the waiter was very helpful. We split up after lunch. Jane walked over to the bull rink. Cindy went to the hotel to wait for her husband. I went to the hotel for some downtime.
After waiting for an Internet connection which didn't work, I walked up to the town's castle at the top of the town's hill. I didn't go into the castle, but I had a wonderful view of the city and the surrounding area. It was too hot to walk any farther, so I planted myself in my room.
Happy Hour was in the courtyard. I had dinner next door with Dave and Cindy, my riding companion. We had a good variety of food which we shared samples. My avocado and shrimp salad was delicious.